Tuesday, November 15, 2005



From FoxNews "Spilling the Good News"


Ben Leiberman of the Heritage Foundation relates that despite a record-breaking hurricane season in the Gulf of Mexico, almost no oil was spilled from drilling platforms offshore.

It seems that since the psychologically devastating Santa Barbara spill of 1969, "we" have gotten one hell of a lot better at this...

As Leiberman notes, this result should serve as a powerful case in point for the resumption of offshore drilling. MOST of the best remaining oil exploration prospects in the US are either in protected areas of the Gulf or on the ample Continental Shelves off both American seaboards.

In my view it would be far better National policy to develop these resources and leave ANWR lay until Prudhoe Bay is exhausted. And all North Slope oil should go to Northwest refineries.

As for California: Climb off of your ecological hobby high-horse and drill your own oil along your own seaboard...


Insight Magazine is reporting that GWB has adopted an almost bunker-like attitude in the wake of recent reversals on many issues. It is reported he has daily contact with only four people: First lady Laura Bush, his mother, Barbara Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes.

Interestingly, all women...

More interesting, the original link to Insight Magazine, reported via Drudge, has been replaced there with a Drudge "flash." http://www.drudgereport.com/flash4.htm

I wish I had a nickel for every time I saw an incediary link like this vanish...

But it's downright disturbing. This is the second thing I have read about GWB in the last month that vividly reminded me of Nixon...

The insight mag piece is now up.


If that link doesn't work, the one on my blog does.

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