Thursday, November 17, 2005
An organization promoting the construction of a fence from San Diego, California, to Brownsville, Texas.
It's a hell of a note the situation has come to this, but I would agree it has. According to USA Today, the arrest rate of illegal aliens has declined over 80% in San Diego since the construction there of a more modest fence.
And it's a big arrest rate. We need a fence notes there were 872,395 border apprehensions in 2004 along the US - Mexico border.
872,395 people stopped. An entire mid-sized city tried and failed to enter the US from Mexico. How many tried and succeeded?
Just one question. The Bush administration is against this idea, thinking it an 8 billion dollar boondoggle.
An organization promoting the construction of a fence from San Diego, California, to Brownsville, Texas.
It's a hell of a note the situation has come to this, but I would agree it has. According to USA Today, the arrest rate of illegal aliens has declined over 80% in San Diego since the construction there of a more modest fence.
And it's a big arrest rate. We need a fence notes there were 872,395 border apprehensions in 2004 along the US - Mexico border.
872,395 people stopped. An entire mid-sized city tried and failed to enter the US from Mexico. How many tried and succeeded?
Just one question. The Bush administration is against this idea, thinking it an 8 billion dollar boondoggle.