Sunday, December 25, 2005


VIA TomPaine: Robert Dreyfuss writes "The last hope for peace in Iraq was stomped to death this week."... in his piece "Iraq: Game Over"

Downright gloomy, he is... You've heard it all before...

It is worth noting however that there are a lot of people who see the Iraqi situation as one long slide off of a cliff. It is also worth noting who they are...
As to who's right, we'll just have to wait and see. This much is likely, I think: By Christmastime next year one side or the other in this argument is going to look really foolish...
Which is OK... Just so long as the final fool isn't Uncle Sam...

I acutally agree with him to an extent. I think that there is a very real danger of Iraq going the way of Iran.
But then, I also think that we are WAY overdue for landing on the Mullahs with both combat boots.
Actions that Moderate Iran, also moderate their stooges in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, etc...
As I have said before, we are going to need a lot more guys in sand camo before this is over. This war has been simmering for 600 years or so, and its not going to end with the close of 2005....
Just another member of the "America Caused All Problems" crowd.

My University was rife with these types. Seems journalism is too. Maybe the only refuge(s) for self-loathing bloviators.
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