Saturday, August 26, 2006


A wail of desperation could clearly be heard under the comments of the neocons darling – and unindicted election thief – Katherine Harris, as she stooped to exhorting – or is it extorting - the “faithful”…

Via The Seattle Times from The Orlando Sentinel:

“Congresswoman: Elect Christians or "legislate sin"”

“"If you are not electing Christians, tried and true, under public scrutiny and pressure, if you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin,"”

I’d be disgusted except people who drag religion into politics are beneath contempt…

And I’d recommend some reading for her and the ignorant that follow her… Particularly Timothy and Paul, both of whom were a lot closer to Christianity as designed by Christ than she and both of whom had some choice comments for bigmouthed uppity women…

Something along the lines of seldom heard and never in charge…

If she wants a theocracy she should emigrate… There are still several in the world… And they know what to do with bigmouthed uppity women…

Oh well. The rest of the religious community will stomp this Neanderthal and I should shut up…

But there is a context I don’t think the faithful will see. Harris is desperate. She’s sunk everything she has into this race and she’s losing. She will probably get the Republican nod for the November race but the only people who think she can win are the ones buying Florida swampland…

She’s losing and she’s desperate. Desperation is like anger: It releases the real person. The “person” a good politician knows needs to be kept shut up – the keeper of hidden agendas.

And she, like a lot of other neocon Christians, really does believe America would be better off as an old-fashioned theocracy, where people could be discriminated against over any of a number of ugly, barbaric prejudices – denied housing, denied employment, or even jailed for not following their sick creed.

So it’s good she’s desperate… She is showing her true colors – and they aren’t red, white and blue…

Second the motion that using religion as a litmus test for politics is reprehensible.
The christianity part of this aside, it is sad that you cannot live out of the 2000's .

Unindicted election thief? Yea I can see how obeying the law is thievery.


You got my Mike Webb Wacko Award for the week with that one.
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