Thursday, November 09, 2006


By now everyone has read about the first – let’s hope not the last – “casualty” of the 2006 election. Don Rumsfeld is out at Defense.

Well, that’s one… One neocon down. We got two more that need the axe…

So if we could get rid of Rice next, we’d start making real progress. We need someone new at State, a real charmer with a proven track record of deviousness equal to the job…

I’d like to suggest Slick Willie. He’s not doing anything right now…

And then if we can just get rid of Cheney… The shrub would have to get used to having nobody pulling his strings, but rid of the evil influences he just might be salvageable.

Maybe Cheney could be tricked into eating breakfast every day with Hillary, Nancy, and Barbara… Boxer, that is...

You know, uniting, not dividing… For a change…

A week of that and the fat bastard will spontaneously combust!

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